Site Security & Backup Protection

Protection Guaranteed

Your website is protected by an SSL certificate. An SSL, which stands for secure sockets layer, is what ensures that all data transmitted between the web server and the browser remains encrypted. All Freshy websites have an SSL to help maintain security on your website and server. This is the 'lock' icon in the browser bar. What the icon symbolizes is total protection, secure communication between client and server, authenticating systems and encrypting data for the site
For further details, visit our SSL page.

Backup System

Jetpack, is our trusted security system - This provides another layer of security. Jetpack provides daily backup points automatically and manual backs up when admin users do any of the following: Log in, add a new page, update/activate/disable plugins and more!
A foolproof way to ensure that if needed we have the ability to revert the site to the most recent backup points. 
This limits any downtime and potential loss of recent edits. A full backup includes the entire database, files in your plugins, themes, and upload directories.