How to Add a New User Account
Watch the Video Guide
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- Login
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- Select 'Users' from the left navigation
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- Select 'Add New' top left
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- Fill in the required user information.
- Username: You can not change your username again.
Email: Associated with the new user - Can be updated when needed.
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Password: Here is where you can set a password for the new user OR after adding the new user they will get an email notification prompting them to login/update the password.
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Send User Notification: Make sure this is checked - This sends an email promoting the new user to change their password.
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Role: Be sure to select the role for the new user. Can be updated asneeded.Administrator = Full AccessAuthor = For users to only have access to make and edit posts/pagesSubscriber/Contributor = Very limited access.
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- Press 'Add New User' to save and create the new user.
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