Why Does My Site Say “Briefly Down For Scheduled Maintenance”?

Note: If you are seeing this message and receive monthly updates provided by Freshy - This means we are updating plugins and tools on your site. The message will clear once updates are completed. 

You may encounter this message when applying updates to your site. This happens because a plugin or theme was interrupted before it could finish the updates process.
Make sure to allow each process to finish before leaving the updates page. This usually keeps the “Briefly unavailable” message from displaying.
The message will no longer appear once the plugins or themes have finished updating. It should not last longer than 10 minutes.
Remember to clear your browser cache when you check your site. [ Ctrl+Shift+R ]
If you still see this message after clearing your browser cache, and it’s been over ten minutes, please contact our Help Desk (support@freshysites.com).